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games_LD_44: Galerie


The theme was "Currency"



My third game jam with my awesome teamate Léa Vasselle Bossy !
The game  has a few bugs but we are pround of the achievement.


We wanted to mix a puzzle game and a fighting game, so we created a little story to allow the player to control two characters with opposite abilities in order to fight one single boss.


In this world, all beings are born "white". By learning to master physical force, they turn "red". By mastering mental energy they become "blue". Unable to master either of these two energies, Lily was doomed to stay white forever. Approaching the forbidden tree, a voice whispers in her ear "if you want power, pick the flower at the foot of the tree ...". Approaching the tree, the flower pierce Lily's heart, and covers her with an armor. "... but your life will be my currency". Now possessing both energies, she becames "purple".



The player embodies the two friends of Lily, Red and Blue, who confront her in order to free her from the grip of evil.
The player has to use both characters and the dropped item from the Boss in the right time in order to win.

Characters concepts and textures by Léa Vasselle Bossy.

games_LD_44: Texte
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